Exercise 3

Exercise 3

Change the adverb clause to modifying phrases.

1. Because I haven’t read the report myself, I am unable to comment on it.

2. When you are loading these boxes, make sure that they remain in an upright position.       
3.  Before she sealed the envelop, she checked the contents of the letter once more.
4. You should write your name at the top of the page before you answer any of the questions.
5. Since he started his own business two years ago, he has been doing remarkably well.
6. When you receive a new credit card, you should always check the expiry date.

Exercise 3

1. Not having read the report my self, I am unable to comment on it.
2. When loading these boxes, make sure that they remain in an upright position.
3. Before sealing the envelope, she checked the contents of the letter once more.
4.You should write your name at the top of the page before answering any of the questions.
5. Since starting his own business two years ago, he has been doing remarkably well.
6. When receiving a new credit card, you should always check the expiry date.

