Exercise 5

Exercise 5
Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation. 

1. Although              a bit discouraging, she decided to take the job anyway.
a. her mother’ s attitude was
b. her mother was attitude
c. was her mother’ s attitude
d. attitude was her mother

2.               since the beginning of the season, the villagers are expecting good crops.
a. the favorable weather
b. The favorable weather has been
c. the weather has been favorable
d. As the weather has been favorable

3. All the residents of our street rushed to their windows or balconies last night to see what was happening,              a tremendous noise just in the middle of the night.
a. for there was
b. there was for
c. so there was
d. there was so

4. A good many people just combine smoking although              to cause cancer.
a. it knows
b. it is known
c. does it know
d. it is knowing

5. He turned off his cellphone                disturbed during the film.
a. he wouldn’t be
b. so that he wouldn’t be
c. he wouldn’t be so
d. he wouldn’t be so that

6. They’re talking out a special insurance policy so that their possessions will be covered                .
a. while they are overseas
b. overseas they are
c. they are overseas
d. they are while overseas

7.               it quite clearly, only a few of the students understood the subject well.
a. As explained the teacher
b. Although the teacher explained
c. Despite the teacher explained
d. In spite of the teacher explained

8.               rather heavy, we decided to take the back roads to work.
a. So the traffic was
b. As if the traffic was
c. In order that the traffic was
d. Seeing that the traffic was

9. The professor has taken a break from lecturing this semester             some research for her book.
a. so can she do
b. she can do
c. so that she can do
d. she can do so

10. It was such a wonderful film that               the cinema with tears in my eyes.
a. I left
b. to leave
c. when I left
d. I left when

11. We keep our bread in the fridge,                it doesn't go bad.
a. although
b. so that
c.  since
d. after

12. The five-cent coin looks very Canadian,             it has a picture of a beaver on it.
a. since
b. after
c. though
d. before

13.               Volkswagen cars are cheap, they last a long time.
a. because
b. in order that
c. although
d. after

14. You should give the iron time to heat up              you iron your clothes.
a.  since
b.  so that
c. before
d.  until

15. You need proper shoes to go hiking in the mountains,               the ground is rough and hard.
a. because
b. even though
c.  so that
d. before

16. Hockey players wear lots of protective clothing              they don't get hurt.
a.  whereas
b.  in order that
c.  though
d.  after

17. You will have to pay higher insurance              you buy a sports car.
a.  if
b.  so that
c.  although
d.  before

18. You shouldn't drive                  drinking alcohol.
a.  even though
b.  in order that
c.  if
d.  after

19.                  the dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish -- it's a mammal.
a.  whether
b.  so that
c.  although
d.  after

20. You may get malaria               you are bitten by a mosquito.
a.  if
b. after
c. while
d. before

Exercise 5
1. a     2. d     3. a     4. b    5. b
6. a     7. b     8. d     9. c    10. a
11. b   12. a    13.  c   14.  c  15. a
16. b   17. a    18. d    19. c   20. a

